There Is Peace In The Pause"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and...
Happiness is a ScienceA dear friend sent this to me yesterday, which was so needed, and so appreciated. If you've got 18 minutes (I know, this seems so...
Non-attachmentFirst of all, I kind of loathe that I have an instagram account for my art, mostly because actually saying it makes me feel traitorous to...
ImpermanenceNothing lasts forever. Depending on what we're talking about, this can be perceived as a good or a bad thing. If we're talking about a...
self-love/-hate relationshipsA pre-pubescent girl, in the sunlight of her bathroom window, places strips of scotch tape along her shins, rows of adhesive and...
Lojong and Art TherapyLojongs are mind trainings in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. If this sounds intense, it's not! Well, it could be, depending on how...